Uses of Interface

Packages that use StatusInterface
be.destin.skos.core In memory model for SKOS data: core classes, read me first! 
be.destin.skos.html Helpers for displaying SKOS data in HTML 

Uses of StatusInterface in be.destin.skos.core

Classes in be.destin.skos.core that implement StatusInterface
 class Concept
 class LinkedConcept
 class LocalLinkedConcept
 class MetadataProperty
 class Notation
 class Profile
 class Term
 class Url

Uses of StatusInterface in be.destin.skos.html

Methods in be.destin.skos.html with parameters of type StatusInterface
 java.lang.String SkosHtmlManager.toHtmlEdit(Concept aConcept, java.lang.String property, StatusInterface anObject)